four things I am thankful this thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

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Can I just say how I am still in awe that Thanksgiving is upon us once again... Is it just me or the older you get the faster the year seems to slip through your fingers? Even though it was just yesterday that Chris and I were driving down (a very backed up) I95 heading south, so much has happened since then. Things that I can't even begin to put down in words. As the holiday season arrives, people start making lists and more lists - of things to buy, cook, and thank (remember this?). Being that this year was a very challenging one with emotional ups and downs, self doubt and loss I will be ditching the first and second list, and will be focusing today on only one... The What I am Thankful for List.

1. Spending Thanksgiving with my best friend. I never thought this would be so exciting but I have to say that for one split second I actually forgot we are about 3,000 plus miles away from all our family members. There will definitely be champagne and popcorn involved! 
2. Mastering my cooking skills. Little by little I have been discovering the art of cooking. Even though I am far from having mom or grandma cooking skills here... I am glad to say that I can make a meal that will make our little tiny apartment feel like home. 
3. Passports. This is kinda funny and totally random, but if it wasn't for passports and pretty passport covers (and airplanes for that matter) I would be so much further away from my dear dear family. This is exactly what I think every single day I miss them. And of course, that means I am even more thankful for having them in my life.   
4. California and Chris. Okay.... I must admit that it was very hard to leave everything we had in DC in search of a dream. I have been missing the cold weather and our home dearly, however California has brought upon us some pretty amazing things. I am thankful for Chris for pushing me to take a leap of faith and go beyond my boundaries. Without him doing so, I would have never experienced all the places and people we have come across on this crazy adventure of ours.     

What are you thankful for this holiday season? Has something happened in your life lately that made you rethink what lists you will be focusing on this year? Please do share, I love it when you do.

Here is to a wonderful Thanksgiving to all of you, my dear friends. Even though I might not know you personally, be sure to know that I am sending happy thoughts your way. 



  1. Gostaria que tivéssemos esse feriado aqui no Brasil também. Uma grande oportunidade para pararmos tudo e só pensar no que temos a agradecer. Eu,particularmente, só tenho o que agradecer. Que vocês tenham um ótimo Thanksgiving! bjs


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